Friday, December 18, 2009

What Do Red Plates Mean In Ontario?

self-flagellation. Thoughts that have hovered

Injured Self, or whatever. It is simply self-mutilation, physical damage to oneself and that can be done my way JOINING the marks of any kind is simply the means by which we filed (or I do) is the cry that is stuck depths of your being that is repressed and that when it comes out, is thus reflected ie marks, cuts, burns, halons hair, etc.

was looking for forums on 16/12 PRO self injure because I felt so so bad and my competitors have been so cut I decided to find "help" or more than a little help or support you call, and I found links that led me to read about a book called Giuliana FILOS Caleca, as far as I read / obvservar. Argentina is a writer and I also have problems psicoalimenticios but unlike me she was obese as anorexia and bulimia. The issue is that I found very interesting because it is completely the same autotransgresora and problems related to food. I realized that we agree as well. You do not mutilate to commit suicide, you do it to feel better, so the evrdad is very interesting that book but I have searched in the libraries here in Venezuela and nothing to do, do not have the slightest idea that the same exists.

Changing the subject, I have resumed my self and so far I have 4 days without any food in my stomach, I hope to be so for "much longer ...


Friday, December 11, 2009

What Does A Brazillian Cover?

i mind controlled auto

few of the things that people understand is that to be anorexic should not want. It's just something that is attached to you from the day of your birth and that without realizing you slowly germinating as a seedling and the last thing you expect is already large and it is impossible can afford to continue its growth.

Anorexia is so, every day you are leaving to eat by little and when you come to realize you've already got a number you do not ever expect, and so can not leave esto.Sí. You can not go. Many of the people I've heard in treatment and can be "cured" While telling me that again with Ana, and not simply a Wannabes were taking this as a fad or perhaps something similar.

Lately I have not known what the word means ending appreciate, is simply that I have not done. Today when you weight 52 kilos unos pocos meses estaba en 37 es en este preciso instante cuando nos paramos y decimos ¿Por qué no aprecie tanta perfección?

He decidido hacer un ayuno, uno de verdad porque sinceramente no he podido hacer uno, ni siquiera he podido cumplir el plan de las 400 calorias mínimas como para darme animos. No. Y mi autocontrol se ha caido totalmente a lo mas profundo del subsuelo, aunque la verdad he tratado SE ME HACE MUY DIFICIL.
